Pressman Toy Licenses Dance Charades
We are happy to announce that Pressman Toy company has licensed Dance Charades from Milliwik. They are taking over our existing inventory and you will be able to place any future Dance Charades orders through them. We want to thank you for your support and great dance moves. Send all Dance Charades inquiries to […]

Dance Charades Receives Gold Award from Family Review Center
From the Family Review Center: “CRaCK Me uP! What a riot! Dance Charades takes charades to a whole new level. This game will make the shyest person come to life in a whole new light, if they can muster the courage to be front and center of their group. A lot of fun, a lot […]

TD Monthly Staff Pick for Game of the month
The staff at Toy Direct TD Monthly magazine featured Dance Charades as a game of the month. This game tends to bring even the shyest of people out of their shell.

Dance Charades on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon
Dance Charades was played by Heidi Klum and Jimmy Fallon on the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show. Providing NBC with samples for the game proved well worth it as the world got to see Heidi Klum’s “sharpening the pencil” dance move.

Dance Charades featured on WRGZ News
Dance Charades was featured on WGRZ news in Buffalo New York. Navigate to the 2:20 mark.

Dance Spirit Magazine features Dance Charades
Check us out in the January edition of Dance Spirit (page 22).